
Friday, March 23, 2018

Aging Happens

Wabi Sabi leaf

I will be celebrating my birthday in a few days. It is yet another one that ends in Zero. I am entering the Wabi Sabi phase of life. You know — the Japanese idea that having a few years and a few imperfections only adds to my beauty!

In keeping with that, I picked up a book at the library by Thomas Moore titled Ageless Soul. The flyleaf promises a "fresh, optimistic, and rewarding path toward aging, a journey that need not be feared, but rather should be embraced and cherished."

I haven't begun reading this one yet, but having read other books by Mr. Moore, I am sure to glean some wisdom on celebrating another birthday with grace and good spirits.

Cake will help.


  1. Cake always helps! :D Happy Birthday.

  2. Have a very happy birthday! I love your drawing of the Wabi Sabi leaf. It's beautiful.

    1. Thank you, Joan. Wabi Sabi and I are as one.

  3. Happy Birthday - when it comes! I always think birthdays are much better than the alternative, not being around to have them. Your leaf drawing is lovely.

    1. Hi, Katrina. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Am a little slow in responding to your kind comment as the celebrations went on for days! I am recovering from cake-overdose...if there is such a thing!

  4. I love your leaf, Belle--it's beautiful in every way. Have a very happy cake- and book-filled birthday!

    1. Thanks, Kathy. I don't look quite as Wabi Sabi as the brown leaf...yet!

  5. Happy Birthday, Belle (a few days late!). I always love your blog and have tried to comment several times in the last year but somehow the "publish" button goes wild--I push it and everything twirls madly--and and never stops. I hope this time it works.

    1. Hi, Kat. Thanks for the birthday wishes! I think you have mentioned before that you had trouble commenting here. I hate that. I am always happy to hear from you so glad this one made it through. You can always email me...
