
Friday, May 25, 2018

Wasted Days and Wasted Nights

Yes, I am still here, although nothing going as far as having read any books since my surgery. This is probably the longest stretch in my reading life that I haven't had a book or books in hand.  

Otherwise, my recovery is going well and I appreciate all your well wishes. 

Image result for the art of the wasted day

Although I am not reading anything, I do have my eye on a couple of books. One — and I laugh as I write this — is The Art of the Wasted Day by Patricia Hampl. I most likely could have written a book with this title myself. Anyway, a friend who knows I am taking life slower than usual right now, heard about it on NPR and alerted me to it. My library only has two copies and I am number six on the reserve list for the hardcover book and next up for the ebook. It is noted as 'a spirited inquiry into the lost value of leisure and daydream.' 

Sounds right up my alley.

Image result for the rituals of dinner

The second book is The Rituals of Dinner: The Origins, Evolution, Eccentricities, and Meaning of Table Manners by Margaret Visser. I could kick myself — albeit with my good leg — for missing the deeply discounted sale of the ebook. My parents were both sticklers for table manners and I thought this might prove to be a fun read. It was originally published in 1991 and reissued last year. As my library doesn't have a single copy, I will keep my eye out for it to show up again on the cheap.

Has anyone read either of these books? Should I be looking further afield in search for a book to break my reading fast?


  1. Belle, I haven't been here in a while and am so sorry you had surgery. I know it takes a long time to recover. And I can't wait to read The Art of the Wasted Day. Off to the library website.

    1. Hi, Kat. Nice to hear from you. I just discovered (one minute ago!) that blogger has changed its comment policy and no longer sends me an email when someone comments. That is why I haven't responded sooner. That is annoying! I just downloaded Art of the Wasted Day. I will write about it in my next post. In the meantime, I will research this comment dilemma and try to figure out what to do about it!

  2. I haven't read either of these books, so I can't help you there. I'm just glad to hear that your recovery is moving along, even if slower than you (and we!) would like. My husband is dealing with a back injury at the moment and is not helping his recovery because he will not / can not rest, despite warning from the physical therapist to do just that. Best wishes, as always.

    1. Joan, sorry to hear about your husband's back trouble. If it's not one thing, it's three more!

      I just downloaded 'Art of the Wasted Day' and will write about it if I can ever get to reading again. I have hope.

      I just discovered (two minutes ago!) that Blogger has changed its comment policy and no longer sends me an email when someone comments. That is annoying and the reason I haven't responded sooner. I will do a big of research and see what to do about that!

      Hope you are settling into the new digs. I must say the photos of your library had me reeling! So gorgeous. Makes me want to have of room of only bookshelves full of books, one chair, a table, and a lamp. Pure minimalism!

    2. I noticed the same thing about comments. I thought it was just my blog going wonky. No, I don't like that policy either because sometimes people comment on older blogs. I hope Blogger reconsidered. Where do we file a protest?!
      My library is relaxing and comforting, but it's really quite tiny. I've just ordered a love seat for it and am holding my breath that it doesn't make the room feel like an alcove of books.

    3. I have this theory, Joan, that somewhere there is a room full of 12-year-olds sitting around making tech changes just because they can! This seems to be a case of just that. I can't find a reasonable explanation for the change - especially as it has worked so well since day one.

      The only way around this seems to be to check Comments Awaiting Moderation to see if there is anything new. Sigh.

      Hope the loveseat fits!

  3. I would love to read that first book, and will look for it right away. I'm going through a phase of having more to do than I can easily handle, and I'm very much missing dawdling time.

    I hope you're continuing to heal and get back to being able to do what you want. Did you manage any sketching while you were laid up?

    1. Hi, Kathy. I am reading 'The Art of the Wasted Day' but am disappointed in it and having difficulty getting very far into it. It is quite uneven - combining memoir and travel and literature which sounds delightful but isn't proving to be. It may just be me right now!

      I have managed a few simple watercolors recently. That's about it. I have totally lost the routine I had before surgery but it just takes one day to start over! However, that day is not here yet.

    2. Sorry to hear the book wasn't what you were hoping for. I'm soooo out of practice on my sketching, and have just not been able to find a way to get back into it. Maybe this week? Need to come up with a little self discipline from somewhere!

    3. Kathy, as you might know, the Blogger comments are messed up. I just found this one! Sorry...

      I did just buy a small square (5x5) watercolor journal in hopes of actually using it. I also purchased a small travel palette with 12 pans and will try to start brushing up with my brushes...When in doubt, buy something!
