Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Out With the Old

I have a new computer. The old one, which I only had for about four years, bit the dust...more or less. It is still working but the screen flickers now and again and it was driving me crazy. I thought it prudent to go ahead and get a new one before the poor old dear died altogether. So, I bought a laptop with a bigger screen. Unfortunately this means I have lost all settings and even though I paid the nice fellow from Staples to come and set me up, I can see that all is not as I like it.

For instance, the screen keeps zooming in and out. I suppose it is something I am doing - the new keyboard is very different from the one on my old laptop - but it is quite annoying.

A quick post to report that I downloaded to my Nook from the library the third in the St. Just detective series by G.M. Malliet - Death at the Alma Mater. It takes place at St. Michael's college in Cambridge (a fictional college) and is quite engaging. St. Just is a great character and I enjoy the author's sense of humor. A lovely bedtime read.

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