Monday, June 3, 2013

The Lands Beyond


Another book on my Summer Reading List is The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster. A young boy bored with life, receives an anonymous gift of a tollbooth and a map to The Lands Beyond. He answers the call to adventure and rides through the tollbooth in his toy car. Although not a book about summer, the tale is nonetheless full of fun and puns and clever names that I remember made me laugh.

Kids love adventure and this is one that I can't wait to have again.


  1. I don't remember reading this when I was a child, but I read it to my son when he was younger, and *I* loved it! (He liked it, too.) It's one I kept when we were sifting through his library.

    1. Kathy, I was introduced to the book as an adult and found it to be so very clever. I am searching for a used copy to own but fear people hold on to their own copies for dear life!
