Friday, November 8, 2013

A Handful of Haiku

Here are samples of haiku verses I received from readers. Great job, all of you! Thanks!

From Kathy:

Like drums, thunder booms
Waking the dozing storm clouds -
They spill tears like wine.

Hot blueberry bursts,
Purple sweetness in my mouth,
Scones and tea for one.

From Tullik:

Fruit fly in the wine
"Back again at happy hour?"
Lord Buddha cries "HELP!"

From Penny:

Golden leaves descend
floating, waving, saluting
an earthen blanket

From LaLa (via email):

Wind blowing the leaves
Clearing grass before snow
While mulching flowers

And three more of my own (I have been writing one a day):

6 November 2013

Wild geese resting on
Calm surface of the pond - a
long way yet to go

7 November 2013

Ice holds back the Thames
Frozen birds fall from the sky.
Beware! Don't look up.

8 November 2013

Small brown body floats
In birdbath bowl while leaves of
gold serve as a shroud.


  1. "Ice holds back the Thames..." Very nice Belle I think I know what reading may have inspired you for this little gem. Helen Humphreys would be so proud.

    1. Ah, Tullik, you caught me! I love HH's writing and am already looking for her other books. I wrote about 'The Frozen Thames' today.

  2. Haiku are fun to write and fun to read! It was a treat seeing mine here :).

    1. Thanks for sharing yours, Kathy. Just my way of helping to make you famous!
