Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Absolutely my last book purchases for 2012

Oh goody. My Powell's order arrived today. I promise these are the last books I am buying in 2012 but I am such a sucker for free shipping and these four are all 'previously owned' and I am happy to have them.

As I am late in discovering the very funny author Bill Bryson (here is My fan letter to Mr. Bryson), I went on a bit of a tear and ordered three of his books: a hardcover edition of At Home and paperback editions of The Lost Continent (who better to take a road trip of small towns in America than with Mr. Bryson) and Neither Here Nor There about his adventures in Europe.

I am so in the mood to do some armchair traveling.

The final book in the order is Life Among the Savages by Shirley Jackson. Yes, that Shirley Jackson of the creepy short story "The Lottery," The Haunting of Hill House, and We Have Always Lived in the Castle.

This book will not keep me up at night unless it is because I am laughing. I am not sure where I read about it, but it is really a series of short-stories-turned-into-a-novel. It is one of those books about domestic chaos -  based on her own experiences raising four children in a big, rambling house - that can be so charming and hilarious. Think Diary of a Provincial Lady and anything written by Erma Bombeck.

I am all set for a little light reading to wind up the year. 


  1. Don't forget to put Bill Bryson's "Shakespeare - The World as Stage" on your list, if not there already. Its a little gem of a book, while short in stature, is head and shoulders above some of the so-called great Shakespeare biographers.

    1. Tullik, you have become my Shakespeare Connection. Thanks for the tip.

  2. I adore Shirley Jackson, and perhaps especially Life Among the Savages and Raising Demons - I'll definitely be re-reading them soon. So, so funny!

    And I second Tullik's recommendation of Bryson's Shakespeare - I have only read two Brysons (the other being Mother Tongue, also brilliant) so must read more - but Shakespeare is very funny, as well as giving all the information we actually have about Shakespeare, without all the conjecture.

    1. Oh, Simon, then perhaps it was you who put me on to 'Life Among the Savages'. I really must start noting where I read of the books I put on my TBR list. Sometimes it takes so long to get to them that I forget where the recommendation came from.

      Thanks for commenting and seconding Bryson's Shakespeare book. Perhaps it will become my first book purchase in 2013.

  3. A fabulous quartet to end the old year and ring in the new! I just came home from the library with Bill Bryson's "A Short History of Nearly Everything" on audio book. We listened to "At Home" driving up and back from MN earlier this year, thought it might be good as we make the trek for the holiday.

    1. I checked out 'At Home' from the library earlier in the year but didn't get very far before it had to be returned. I am happy to have my own copy now.

      And I see that Mr. Bryson does the reading on the audio books. How delightful. I may get one of his just to hear his voice.
